Herb & Drug Contradictions

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Hyperthyroid medication
May decrease effectiveness of drug due to natural iodine content.

Thyroid replacement therapies
May add to effect of drug.

Radioactive iodine
May interfere with administration of diagnostic procedures using radioactive isotopes.

Thyroid hormones
Should not be administered concurrently with preparations containing thyroid hormone.

Sulfur drugs, cortisone, chemo drugs
Interacts negatively with drugs, especially with sulfur drugs, cortisone and chemotherapy agents.

Dan Shen
May potentiate effect of drug.

Immunosuppressant medication
May decrease effectiveness of drug.

May potentiate effect of drug.

Increased risk of spontaneous bleeding, particularly at levels greater than 4 gms/day ginger.

Gotu Kola
Accelerates the action of penicillin and sulfur drugs. allow at least 2 hours between the two.

Green tea, Chamomile, Lime Flower, Vervain Rosemary, & other herbs high in polyphenols
Inhibition of non-heme iron absorption where iron supplementation is required; do not take simultaneously with meals or iron supplements.

Korean (Panax) Ginseng
MAO inhibitors
May cause headaches and tremor, mania.

Anti-hypertensive medications
May decrease effectiveness of drug when licorice consumed long-term at doses greater than 100 mg/day glycyrrhizin.

Excessive licorice intake causes hypo-kalemia, which can potentiate the toxicity of the drug; therefore avoid long-term use of licorice at doses greater than 100 mg/day glycyrrhizin.

Thiazide diuretics and other potassium depleting drugs
The combined effect of licorice and the drug could result in excessive potassium loss; avoid long-term use of licorice at doses greater than 100 mg/day glycyrrhizin.

Nervine and “mood altering” formulas (Valerian, Passion Flower, Wood Betony, Scullcap, Hops, Kava Kava, St John’s Wort)
Anti-depressants, anti-psychotics, anxiety drugs, tranquilizers, sleep medications
Allow at least 3 to 4 hours between psychiatric or anti-psychotic drugs or mood altering drugs.

St John’s Wort
Chemotherapeutic drugs
Decreases drug levels.

St John’s Wort
Decreases drug levels at doses greater than 1 g/day dried herb.

St John’s Wort
HIV non-nucleoside transcriptase inhibitors
Decreases drug levels.

St John’s Wort
Decreases drug levels.

St John’s Wort
HIV protease inhibitors
Decreases drug levels.

St John’s Wort
Decreases plasma drug levels.

St John’s Wort
Decreases drug levels.

Table of Contents

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