

Helpful Hints and Tips with Newton Homeopathics:

Detox daily!
A daily dose of NEWTON’s Detoxifier focuses on the liver and excretory systems. A “clean” body will maximize the effectiveness of other remedies, supplements and vitamins.

Wait for it!
Wait 15 minutes between taking homeopathy and eating, drinking or taking drugs, supplements or other natural remedies. This gives the homeopathic remedy time to reach its maximum effectiveness without interference.

Drop it in!
Liquid remedies should be placed directly in the mouth or dropped into a small amount of water. As the remedy contacts the mucous membranes of the mouth, it is absorbed into the body.

Cross it over! 
Although NEWTON manufactures complexes specifically for Kids and Pets, a condition may arise for which there is no prepared Kids/Pets complex. Products manufactured in the NEWTON adult homeopathic line may safely be used for children and pets; adjust the dosage according to directions. If an infant is experiencing eczema, use NEWTON’s Eczema~Skin Care with a child’s dosage. If a pet is experiencing constipation, use NEWTON’s Constipation with dosage adjusted for the size of the pet.

Mix it up!
If an alcohol-free remedy is preferred, place the dose of homeopathy in a small amount of warm water and let stand for 10 minutes to allow the alcohol to evaporate. The remaining water/remedy mixture may then be placed in the mouth. The FDA mandates that liquid homeopathics contain a preservative; NEWTON’s choice of preservative is USP gluten-free, non-GMO, organic cane alcohol. NEWTON’s gluten-free, non-GMO, beet-derived sucrose pellets are another alcohol-free alternative.

Don’t touch!
Pellet remedies should be taken without being touched. The outermost layer of the pellet contains the active ingredients. Warmth from the human hand and oils from the skin may absorb and remove some of the remedy on contact. Dispense into the bottle cap or a spoon and then pour into the mouth.

Keep it safe!
NEWTON’s amber glass containers (an inert material) protect the homeopathics from light exposure, and prevent any interaction with the homeopathics. According to HPUS (Homoeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States), due to documented heat sensitivity of homeopathic preparations, remedies should not be exposed to temperatures greater than 121ºC (249.8ºF). Refrigerating or freezing homeopathic remedies is not recommended. The best method for storage is to keep containers tightly sealed and out of extreme heat or direct sunlight.

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